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Silver Moon Gypsies Making A Positive Impact

By: Brittany Baldassari

The Silver Moon Gypsies are making a major impact in the city of Marlborough through belly dancing. These vibrant seniors, travel to different locations -mainly the local senior centers- helping teach seniors how to stay fit and active for a prolonged healthy life.

Gypsy Phillips has lived in the city of Marlborough her whole life. She fully enjoys everything the city has to offer. Gypsy began belly dancing shortly after giving birth to her children and she fell in love with the fluid motions and how beautiful it made her feel. She now takes her skills and teaches them to local seniors. Classes are taught by herself and the belly dancing group -The Silver Moon Gypsies- that she created many years ago.

Anna Connors is one of the members of the belly dancing squad. She suffers from MS and finds great relief in staying fluid through the art of dancing. She encourages people of all ages to try it out. Anna also discusses her excitement at performing with the Silver Moon Gypsies -Bellies for Breast- event next month in honor of Vikki Crowley.

Watch Below for the full story.

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