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Blender Thieves from Milford Arrested in Marlborough

Meghan Parsons

MARLBOROUGH- On Feb. 14, police arrested Heather Kalpajian and John Chase of Milford, charging both with shoplifting at a local Target. Employees at the Donald J. Lynch Boulevard store observed Kalpajian place three Ninja blenders in her cart before exiting the store without paying. The items totaled $360. Employees stopped her and called police. In her possession, officers found as a glass pipe with crack cocaine residue inside, suboxone strip (unprescribed) , and Subutex pills (unprescribed). Police charged the 43-year-old with three additional class B drug possession charges. Chase served as the lookout during the shoplifting, who fled the scene before police arrived. Officers found the 30-year-old across the street.

Both individuals are believed to be connected to multiple other incidents in nearby towns and cities.

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