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Meghan Parsons

Marlborough School Officials Consider Reopening Options

MARLBOROUGH- At Tuesday's school committee meeting, Superintendent Bergeron introduced the district's three options for the start of school this fall. Remote learning, hybrid learning and a full return to school, all options the district has to consider.

Remote learning continues teaching at home, very similar to how the district operated at the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Hybrid learning separates the student body into two groups, with rotating weeks of in-person and remote learning. In this option, desks can be spaced the recommended six feet apart. The last option, a full return to school, would send all students back to class five days a week. In this option, desks could only be spaced three feet a part, but still staying within spacing guidelines set by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

If students return to school buildings, they will stay in their classroom for most of the day. Faculty and staff will rotate throughout the day. Meals will be served and eaten in places like the classroom or gymnasium, instead of in the cafeteria at the same time. Masks or face coverings must be worn, but there will be opportunities for 'mask breaks'. The district expects a third of its normal capacity on busses. That means, one student to a single seat. Siblings and other household members may sit in the same seat.

School officials will pick one of these options to start school this fall. However, Superintendent Bergeron made it very clear that parents must be prepared for all three options. Students and families must be able to switch between options given different public health circumstances the district may face.

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