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High Speed Chase Through Multiple Towns Ends In Crash

By: Emmalyn Anderson

A high speed chase that ran through multiple towns on Saturday in the early morning hours took the combined efforts of Marlborough, Southborough, and Westborough Police Departments to help catch the criminal that lead them on a two hour chase.

Around 2:40am on Saturday, 21 year old Rafael Aguila of Webster took his 2017 Toyota Corolla to the streets despite having a revoked license. When pulled over by an officer in Southborough, police say he fled the scene doing nearly 80 miles an hour as he tried to evade arrest. Aguila eventually crashed into the woods at the intersection of Framingham road and Rte. 85 at the Southborough/ Marlborough line where Officer Campbell of the Southborough Police Department saw him running into the woods-that's where Marlborough's Sergeant Kenneth McKenzie and his K9 partner, Kaiser, jumped into action.

The chase through the woods took Officer Campbell, Sergeant McKenzie and Kaiser through a swamp for 35 minutes, wading through layers of muck and grime before Kaiser lead the officers to the Sudbury Reservoir. "I illuminated the other shoreline which was about 100 yards away, heard some sticks breaking...I informed officer Campbell of the Southborough PD that we were going to take a swim, we swam across the open body of water to continue the track from the opposite side," says Sgt. McKenzie. It was on the other side of that body of water that Kaiser located Aguila and he was taken into custody.

Yet Sgt. Mckenzie says despite all of their efforts in what became a two hour chase that ended just before 5am, it was the area towns working together that lead to what he calls a "successful result". "Even though the dog ultimately found the suspect in the woods after a long search, the key thing is the patrol guys. Kaiser may have found the person, but it's imperative that credit goes to the Marlborough, Southborough and Westborough officers that held that perimiter for hours."

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