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33 Mile Boroughs Loop trail finally opened to the public!

By: Brittany Baldassari

Looking for something active and outdoorsy this fall? Look no further. The long anticipated 33 mile Boroughs loop trail is finally opened!

The anticipation of waiting for the Boroughs trails is finally over! the 33 mile trail linking neighboring towns is finally opened for the community to enjoy. 10 years in the making, this incredible outdoor loop trail was celebrated last week with a ribbon cutting, fall festivities, and opening remarks from Conservation Officer Priscilla Ryder.

Volunteers rejoiced their accomplishments at the opening ceremony with some cider donuts, fresh apples, and even some cider! Bundled up to stay warm, even the chilly windy day could not keep the volunteers that worked so hard--

from enjoying the opening of the trails.

Did you know the whole month of October you can get free guided trail hikes? Watch the story below to get more details.

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